Turn the page on 2019 and start 2020 with a clear vision and with consistency in all spheres of your life.
Our beliefs create our reality. But how do we align our beliefs with that which we truly desire if our beliefs are subconscious? I’d like to invite you to Vision 2020, a workshop on creative visualization. In this workshop, you will be introduced to a powerful toolkit of solutions to help you realize your desires.
I will provide you with an exercise book that includes a short but effective questionnaire that guides you as you reflect on all the important spheres of your life. The guidebook will allow you to then crystallize the vision of what your heart and soul truly desire so you can then develop your own personal creative visualization tools and begin the powerful and proven effective creative visualization process. This includes positive affirmations for each sphere of your life, a personal mantra designed to help you define the new incarnation of your best self and help you navigate with joy and grace through the daily challenges that life will present you. You’ll also receive instructions on how to create a vision board to help you reinforce your vision with symbolic and relevant images and messages. In order to create the right setting for receptiveness to this life-changing information and process, we will include gentle- yoga postures, meditation, and creative visualization exercises. Your guide
You will be guided and accompanied by me, Stanley Norris. I have been doing this exercise for over 10 years and the result has been a very coherent, steady and very enjoyable personal transformation. I am a yoga teacher since 2008 and since 2015 I have organized conferences and workshops on personal transformation. I also regularly give such workshops regularly and offer individual coaching services. This workshop will be divided into 3 parts:1- Gentle and restorative yoga2- Meditation and visualization exercises3- Preparation of your exercise book leading to the eventual creation of your vision boardDate and time
The workshop will take place on two occasions (and will be bilingual if needed): Saturday January 11th from 1pm to 4:30 and Saturday January 25th from 1PM to 4:30PM, Registration is required as spaces are limited: email stanleynorris777@gmail.comCost: $ 50 and includes your 20-page exercise bookVisit https://stanleynorris.com and https://suttonyoga.com/https://www.facebook.com/events/1303664333160167/ For information: 514-914-5455
I look forward to seeing you soon for this transformative and unforgettable experience!
Namaste. Stanley Norris